Charlottesville and Albemarle Area Services
The Independence of Charlottesville has given us a wonderful list of services and resources available to the senior community. A big thank you for partnering with us to keep seniors safe.
General Information and Advocacy
AARP Driver Safety Program | 434-974-7756 | Charlottesville
AARP | 866-542-8164
JABA | 434-817-5222
JABA Senior Home Care Helpline | 434-817-5253
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services | 866-542-8164
Virginia Department for the Aging | 800-552-3402 | Advocacy, education, information and referrals
Virginia Department of Social Services | 800-552-3431 | Adult protective services, advocacy, care management, information and referral, Medicaid
Case Management, Referrals, Medicaid, General Information
Charlottesville Social Services | 434-970-3400 | 120 7th St., N.E., Charlottesville
Administers federal, state and local public assistance and social work service programs. email |
Virginia Employment Commission | 434-984-7630 | 2211 Hydraulic Rd, Charlottesville
A public state employment agency providing a list of local job opportunities and registers those seeking employment. Provides partial income replacement for a limited period of time for eligible individuals who become unemployed. Offers job matching services for applicants and employers with job openings.Albemarle County Dept. of Human Resources | 434-296-5827 | 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville
Charlottesville Dept. of Human Resources | 434-970-3490 | 605 East Main Street, Charlottesville
Albemarle Career Center | 434-972-4010 | 1600 5th Street Extended, Suite A, Charlottesville
Provides the general public with career resources and services including GED instruction, education, job search resources and career counseling.
If you fall behind in utility bills, taking the time to discuss your situation with these companies may mean that a payment plan can be worked out for you. Help with heat-related utilities may be available during the winter months through special government and other funding sources.
CARES | 434-295-3171
Dominion Virginia Power | 866-DOM-HELP (866-366-4357)
Charlottesville Gas Assistance Program | 434-970-3222
Charlottesville Gas Division | 434-970-3800
Jefferson Area Board for Aging CoolAid Program | 434-817-5222
Sprint/Link-up Carolina | Offers reduced telephone rates for Medicaid recipients. A social worker must complete an application for the client.
Credit Counseling and Money Management
The following agencies can assist you in contacting creditors, negotiating a payment plan or resolving other difficulties you may have with creditors:
Clearpoint Financial Solutions | 434-977-9596 | 300 Preston Avenue, Suite 200, Charlottesville
Offers free presentations on budgeting, wise use of credit, identity theft and many other financial topics. Also, you can learn how to obtain and understand your credit report.
MACAA (Monticello Area Community Action Agency) | 434-295-3171 | 1025 Park Street, Charlottesville
Offers regular financial education training classes and free one-on-one individual financial counseling. Call for information on upcoming classes and individual counseling options.
Piedmont Housing Alliance | 434-817-2436 | 111 Monticello Ave Suite 104, Charlottesville
PHA offers Financial Literacy Education and Outreach Program-providing instructor led modules covering money management and budgeting, how to read a credit report and understanding credit scores, credit repair, tips on avoiding predatory loans, identity theft and a guide to homeownership. For more information and class schedules, contact or call 434-817-2436.
UVA Community Credit Union | 434-964-2001 | At Credit Union branches in Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Louisa and Greene. The UVA Community Credit Union offers free financial education seminars at its local branches. Additional financial education services are available to credit union members; free seminars are open to anyone in the community.
Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) | Your local extension agency can provide you with financial management assistance. Call for more information:
VCE Charlottesville/Albemarle County | 434-872-4580 | 460 Stagecoach Road, Charlottesville
VCE Fluvanna County | 434-591-1950 | 132 Main Street, Palmyra
VCE Greene County | 434-985-5236 | 10013 Spotswood Trail, Stanardsville
VCE Louisa County | 540- 967-3422 | 1 Woolfolk Avenue, Louisa
VCE Nelson County | 434-263-4035 | 8445 Thomas Nelson Highway, Lovingston
Public Assistance/Social Services
To supplement family income, contact your local Department of Social Services for Food Stamps, medical insurance and public assistance. Call for an appointment first.
Albemarle County | 434-972-4010 | 1600 5th Street Extended, Charlottesville
City of Charlottesville | 434-970-3400 | 120 7th Street NE, City Hall Annex, Charlottesville
Fluvanna County | 434-842-8221 | 8880 B James Madison Highway, Fork Union
Greene County | 434-985-5246 | 10009 Spotswood Trail, Stanardsville
Louisa County | 540-967-1320 | 103 McDonald Street, Louisa
Nelson County | 434-263-7160 | 8445 Thomas Nelson Highway, Lovingston
Food Resources
Community Meals On Wheels | 434-293-4364 | 2270 Ivy Road, Charlottesville
Provides hot, nutritious meals to homebound Charlottesville and Albemarle residents who are unable to cook their own meals and who have no one to help them. Meals are delivered by volunteers every Monday through Friday, including all holidays that fall on weekdays. Serves some areas of Albemarle County. Charges vary with income, reduced/waived for those eligible.Emergency Food Bank (EFB) | 434-979-9180 | 103 West Jefferson Street, Charlottesville
Food orders may be placed only by phone 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Monday-Friday. Food is picked up 1:30-3:30 p.m. Monday-Friday. EFB provides a three-day supply of food to persons in need once a month, on a self-referral basis. Thereafter, by agency referral only.Food Stamps Program | Provides assistance with food needs for individuals and families. A swipe card is used in the grocery store to purchase food items. Eligibility is determined on the basis of a household’s size, income and resources. Households with little or no income and resources are eligible for expedited Food Stamps (7 days to process). For more information, contact your local Department of Social Services.
Salvation Army Public Meals Program | 434-295-4058 | 207 Ridge Street, Charlottesville – Breakfast and dinner are open to general public on weekdays and all three meals on weekends. Breakfast begins at 6:45 a.m. daily; lunch is served from 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. and dinner begins at 6:00 p.m. for residents, and 6:30 p.m. to general public.
Soup Kitchens
Daily meals are available for anyone hungry from 12:00-1:00 p.m. at the following locations:
Monday First United Methodist Church | 101 E Jefferson St
Tuesday Christ Episcopal Church | 103 W Jefferson St
Wednesday First Presbyterian | 500 Park St
Thursday Holy Comforter | 434-293-8989 | 208 E Jefferson St
Friday First Baptist Church | 735 Park St. at 1:00 p.m.
Daily Breakfast The Haven | First & Market
Saturday & Sunday Salvation Army | 207 Ridge St (Breakfast-Lunch-Dinner)
Health Care
In times of crisis, it is important to maintain your health. Getting sick now may make your situation even more difficult. If you need free or low-cost health care, refer to the agencies listed in this section.
Charlottesville Free Clinic | 434-296-5525 | 1138 Rose Hill Drive, Suite 200, Charlottesville
The Charlottesville Free Clinic is a volunteer community health support system that provides non-emergency medical care, a pharmacy for patients and limited dental and psychiatric services.Every Woman’s Life Health Passport | 434-243-6415 | 1400 West Main Street, Garden Level, Charlottesville
Offers three important health exams: Pap test, breast exam and mammogram for women ages 40 to 64. Emphasis on women 50 to 64. Program provides transportation if necessary.Jefferson Area CHIP | 434-964-4700 | 1469 Greenbrier Place, 22901 Charlottesville
Team approach using a nurse and home visitor to meet both the health and social needs of families. Case management, counseling and treatment are available for optimal health.Charlottesville Health Access | 434-293-3466 | 112 Market St., Charlottesville
Provides medical screenings and assists with appointments, referrals, and prescription copayments for low income and homeless population. Open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.Martha Jefferson Hospital | 434-654-7009 | 459 Locust Avenue, Charlottesville
Community medical institute operating 24 hours a day and offering a full range of inpatient, outpatient, diagnostic, maternity, and emergency medical services
General Caregivers’ Resources
AGIS Network | 434-866-511-9186 | Assist Guide Information Services – Help for caregivers
Aging | 229-594-3235
Care Options | 703-237-9048 | Care management and assessment, long-distance caregiving | 800-829-2734| Eldercare resources and support | 773-381-6008 | Expert advice on caregiving
National Alliance for Caregiving | Web-based and mobile technologies to help family caregivers care for their loved ones
National Center on Caregiving | 800-445-8106 | National center on caregiving
National Family Caregiver Association | 800-896-3650 | Educate, support, empower, advocate
Well Spouse Association | 800-838-0879 | You are not alone
Senior Decisions | Web-based nationwide search and reviews for senior caring and housing
Care Giver Stress | 434-979-4663 | Providing support for caregivers | Resource providing easy-to-read research summaries and inspirational material useful for Alzheimer’s patients in addition to their caregivers
Public Health Departments
Administration of public health service programs for Planning District 10. Services cover maternity care, well childcare, WIC Program, family planning, environmental health, dental health and community health.
Charlottesville/Albemarle Health Dept. | 434-972-6219
Fluvanna Health Dept. | 434-591-1960
Greene Health Dept. | 434-985-2262
Louisa Health Dept. | 540-967-3703
Nelson Health Dept. | 434-263-8315
University of Virginia Medical Center | 434-924-3627, 800- 251-3627 | 1215 Lee Street, Charlottesville
UVA Health System is a network of primary and specialty services dedicated to improving the health of Virginians through excellence in clinical care, education, research and public service.
Health Insurance/Medical Assistance
Medicaid – Call your local Dept. of Social Services to determine eligibility for Medicaid. Medicaid pays for health and medical care such as doctor and hospital bills, prescription medicines and nursing home care. Applicants must be in one of the following categories: age 65 or older, disabled, blind, child in foster care, families with children (numerous categories) and pregnant women.
United Way RxRelief Program | 434-972-1701 | 806 East High Street, Charlottesville
RxRelief helps uninsured persons apply for free prescription medications. Requires income documentation, prescription and doctor’s signature. If eligible, medications take several weeks to arrive.
Physician Referral
Martha Jefferson Hospital Physician Referral Services | 434-982-7009, 888-652-6663
University of Virginia Medical Center Physician Information | 434-924-DOCS (3627)
Home Care
Home Instead Senior Care | 434-979-4663 – 705-A Dale Avenue, Charlottesville |Provides highly personalized, cost-effective care that enables clients to function independently in their homes. The Independence partners with Home Instead to offer residents convenient care in the community.
Housing Resources
Temporary Shelters
Depending on your circumstances, you may be able to stay in a temporary shelter for two weeks or longer. The shelters provide help in developing a plan to stabilize your situation. This process may include assistance with securing employment, locating permanent housing and resolving other issues that contributed to your homelessness.
MACAA Hope House | 434-295-3171 | 1025 Park Street, Charlottesville
An intensive program that provides developmental activities and temporary housing for homeless families. Prior to securing permanent housing, residents participate in job training, budget and home management workshops and other activities designed to enhance their self-sufficiency.On Our Own—Drop In Center | 434-979-2440 | 123 4th Street NW, Charlottesville
The Center offers a variety of services to individuals who have experienced significant problems in their lives due to mental illness and who acknowledge this. Offers limited housing in a group setting.PACEM | 434-465-1392 | 208 E. Jefferson St., Charlottesville
People and Congregations Engaged in Ministry assists men, women, and children in need of a place to sleep. Intake site is located at Holy Comforter Church from 5:00 – 6:00 p.m.Salvation Army Emergency Shelter | 434-295-405 | 207 Ridge Street, Charlottesville
The Salvation Army Emergency Shelter provides crisis intervention through emergency shelter and meals, clothing, educational and life skills programs, transportation, furniture, direct financial assistance, worship services, childcare, and youth programs. Also operates the Center of Hope transitional housing program.Shelter for Help in Emergency (SHE) | 434-293-8509
SHE provides a safe shelter for abused women and their children and other support services that include court advocacy, court accompaniment, legal information, counseling, children’s services, support groups and referrals.The Haven at First & Market | 434-973-1234 | 112 West Market St., Charlottesville
The Haven is a day shelter that offers a safe and welcoming place for the homeless and underserved to get breakfast, shower, do laundry, store belongings, access computer and to receive mail. It also offers a centralized location for social service providers and a cultural and arts space for the Charlottesville community.
Housing Services
Albemarle County Office of Housing | 434-296-5839 | 1600 5th Street Extended, Charlottesville
Administers the Housing Choice Voucher and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs (applicant names are placed on a waiting list according to established policies). Eligibility is based on the family’s income and household composition. Offers housing counseling including information and referral, pre-purchase assistance for first-time home buyers, basic budgeting and financial management, landlord/tenant assistance, a Family Self-Sufficiency Program and the HomeBuyers Club.CARES | 295-3171 | 1025 Park Street, Charlottesville
Provides assessments and referrals for emergency rent and mortgage assistance. See “Financial Assistance.”Charlottesville Redevelopment & Housing Authority (CRHA) | 434-970-3253 | 500 South First Street, Charlottesville
CRHA serves low-income residents of Charlottesville by providing affordable housing for families including seniors and disabled individuals. The CRHA manages 376 units of public housing at 11 sites in Charlottesville and administers 345 “Section 8” rental units through leased contracts with private owners. CRHA operates a Family Self-Sufficiency Program, a Down payment and Closing Costs Assistance Program, and the Housing Opportunities Partnership Program. It also refers families to the First Time Homebuyers Club as they complete family self-sufficiency classes.Fluvanna/Louisa Housing Foundation | 540-967-3483 | 1 Woolfolk Avenue, Louisa
Provides housing assistance in the form of housing rehabilitation/repair services to those who qualify as low income. Administers the Section 8 Housing Program in Fluvanna and Louisa Counties.Monticello Area Community Action Agency (MACAA) | 434-295-3171 | 1025 Park Street, Charlottesville
MACAA helps low-income persons achieve self-sufficiency through emergency assistance, and housing and community development services in Albemarle, Charlottesville, Fluvanna, Louisa and Nelson.Nelson County Community Development Foundation | 434-263-8074 | 8445 Thomas Nelson Highway, Lovingston
Provides housing for low to moderate-income families and rehabilitation of homes for income eligible families. Also provides emergency home repair for the elderly and the disabled.Piedmont Housing Alliance | 434-817-2436 | 111 Monticello Ave Suite 104, Charlottesville
PHA’s Fair Housing Program promotes equal housing opportunity and is the regional provider of fair housing education, outreach, and advocacy services. Our goal is to raise awareness and promote compliance with federal and state civil rights laws that protect us from discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, familial status (presence of children in the household), and elderliness in the rent, sale, and financing of housing.Salvation Army Homeless Intervention Program | 434-295-4058 |207 Ridge Street, Charlottesville
Works to prevent displacement of households, who could potentially become homeless, to assist homeless persons in securing permanent housing, and to ensure that the persons who receive assistance become self-sufficient. Offers loans and grants for temporary rental, mortgage and security deposit assistance.
Home Ownership
Albemarle Housing Improvement Program (AHIP) | 434-817-2447 | 2127 Berkmar Drive, Charlottesville
AHIP is a private, not-for-profit Community Development Corporation which assists low-income families acquires and/or maintains a home.Albemarle Office of Housing Home Buyers Club | 434-296-5839 | 1600 5th Street Extended, Charlottesville
Home Buyers Club helps prepare Albemarle County residents for home purchase and offers a support program for people in need of credit counseling, savings and budgeting. The Albemarle Office of Housing also offers a Home Buyer’s Club for Hispanics.Community Energy Conservation Program, Inc. | 434-293-3777 | 1819 Broadway Street, Charlottesville
Provides free weatherization and heating system repair of houses and mobile homes for those who qualify, whether homeowners or renters.Greater Charlottesville Habitat for Humanity | 434-293-9066 | 501 Grove Avenue, Charlottesville
Non-profit organization dedicated to providing sustainable, affordable homes for families in need. Partners Habitat families with families in need to develop a financially stable home mortgage before completion of new home.Piedmont Housing Alliance | 434-817-2436 | 111 Monticello Ave Suite 104, Charlottesville
Provides in-depth information and assistance to first-time homebuyers.
Legal Services
Legal aid may be available at a reduced rate for people who cannot afford it. If you are in need of legal advice or representation, contact:
Legal Aid Justice Center | 434-977-0553 | 1000 Preston Avenue, Suite A, Charlottesville
Hours: 8:30 am-5:00 p.m. Mon-FriCentral Virginia Legal Aid | 434-296-8851 | 1000 Preston Avenue, Suite B, Charlottesville
University of Virginia Women’s Center Free Legal Clinic | 434-982-2251 | The Corner Building at 14th & amp; University Avenue, Charlottesville
Virginia Lawyer Referral | 800-552-7977 | 707 East Main Street, Suite 1500, Richmond
Virginia Tele-Court | 877-801-2303
Virginia residents can call and obtain information regarding more than 40 court-related topics that range from landlord/tenant cases to traffic violations. Developed by the Virginia court system with the assistance of the Young Lawyers Conference of the Virginia State Bar.
There are many recreational activities in the area. Many are free or low cost.
Albemarle Charlottesville Boys & Girls Club | 434-971-9400 | 1000 Cherry Avenue, Charlottesville
Boys Scouts of America—Stonewall Jackson Council | 540-943-6675 | Monticello Scout Shop | 434-978-3822| 2116 Berkmar Drive, Charlottesville
Girls Scouts of Virginia Skyline Council Inc. | 434-296-5156 | 380 Greenbrier Square, Charlottesville
Departments of Parks & Recreation
For information about recreation areas, recreational facilities, recreation/leisure instruction and recreational activities for area residents, contact:
Albemarle Parks & Recreation | 434-296-5844 | 401 McIntire Road, Charlottesville
Charlottesville Parks & Recreation | 434-970-3215 | 120 7th Street NE, Charlottesville
Fluvanna Parks & Recreation | 434-842-3150 | 5725 James Madison Highway, Fork Union
Greene Parks & Recreation | 434-985-5226 | 40 Celt Road, Stanardsville
Louisa Parks & Recreation | 540-967-4420 | 1 Woolfolk Avenue, Louisa
Nelson Parks & Recreation | 434-263-7130 | 8445 Thomas Nelson Highway, Lovingston
Commuter Information | 434-974-5500
Charlottesville Transit Service (CTS) | 434-970-3649
Public bus transit system to the Charlottesville/Albemarle community offering standard and regular routes with fixed time schedules.Greene County Transit | 434-985-5205
Public transportation for Greene County residents.JAUNT Inc. | 800-365-2868, 434-296-6174
Provides transportation to area citizens, serving both the general public and human service agency clients, and provides transportation to citizens with disabilities.MACAA Wheels To Work Program | 434-295-3171
Maintains small fund to help with auto repairs.RideShare | 434-295-6165
A free car and vanpool matching service. Operates the Guaranteed Ride Home Program.University Transit Service (UTS) | 434-924-7711
Operates a bus service in and around the Grounds of the University of Virginia.Virginia Dept. of Rehabilitative Services | 434-296-5621
Helps persons with disabilities find and keep jobs and/or reach a higher level of independence in their daily living. For every person served, an individualized program is designed to meet his/her needs. Disabled persons may be eligible to receive free or low-cost transportation to and from work, medical appointments and other places.
Volunteer Opportunities
There are various types of volunteer opportunities in the area. If you are interested in volunteering, contact the following volunteer programs: | This United Way database includes more than 300 volunteer opportunities posted by over 120 non-profit agencies and schools in Charlottesville and the surrounding areas. Find volunteer opportunities for youth, adults, seniors, groups and families.
United Way-Thomas Jefferson Area Volunteer Center | 434-972-1705
Promotes volunteering by individuals, groups and corporations. Serves as a resource on volunteering for non-profit agencies, and provides training opportunities for both volunteers and paid staff of non-profit agencies. Maintains a clearinghouse of volunteer opportunities for youth, adults, families, seniors and groups. Does not offer placement services.Jefferson Area Board for Aging RSVP Volunteer Program | 434-817-5229
Provides a variety of volunteer opportunities for retired persons 55 and over to participate more fully in the life of their community through volunteer service. Persons over 55 are matched by RSVP with volunteer activities to suit their interests.LOVE, INC | 434-977-7777
Non-profit clearing house for local church volunteers who offer services to the disadvantaged including budget planning, respite care, home maintenance, transportation, paralegal/medical services, shopping, tutoring, mentoring, temporary child care, emotional and spiritual support, friendship and visitation with the elderly and disabled.OTHER USEFUL WEBSITES