Firearm Safety Course
CONCEALED carry classes.
Coming soon. Please continue to check our website for updates.
From Albemarle County Sheriff Chan Bryant, 
The Albemarle County Sheriff’s Office has been made aware of scams going around using the Albemarle County, Sheriff’s Office and names of people associated with the Sheriff’s Office . We would like to remind everyone that the Sheriff’s Office will never ask for payment from you for missing jury duty or if we have a warrant for your arrest ask for money or gift cards. If you receive one of these calls, please hang up! If you have any questions or just want to verify anything about such a call you can call the sheriffs office directly at 434-972-4001 or stop by our office anytime. Our office hours are Monday through Friday 8 to 4 and will not ask you to meet us after business hours or on weekends to give us payment. Again, if you have any questions, please hang up and call our office directly at the number listed above. Do not return the call from the number that the person is calling you from.
Thank you.
Coming soon. Please continue to check our website for updates.